Friday 2 January 2009


A few more of my aims this year.

To show my "online" status within MSN Messenger and getting chatting with people once again. I've purposely kept away from this area, for quite sometime. But now feel ready to show my status online once again.

Another is not to be permanently glued to the pc. When I know that there is no-one there online to chat socalise with then I will crack on with others things whether surfin' for the information for ongoing projects for hobbies I am interested in. Plus get some things moving forward within my own home. The pc can be a bad influence at times and quite an addictio to get away from especially when you have things to do or work to crack on with.

To get my collection going properly of swaroksi crystals I love these crystals they are just so enchanting, but expensive.

Party hard people !!


x x x

Friday 26 December 2008

2009 - New Year and New Resolutions

2009 is now just around the corner. Now is around the time we all tend to have thoughts of New Year's resolutions, and what we can do to change our lives.

  • New career or promotion
  • Learn to play a musical instrument
  • More Rock Festivals/Concerts
  • Travel around the world
  • Meet new people
  • Be H..A..P..P..Y
  • Enjoy Life, Live it to the full
Follow your heart whatever that may be wherever it may take you.

Get ready to follow my hopes and dreams for the following year ahead. I hope that I am able to at least make the target on some of my resolutions. Fingers crossed that the last three on my list are the ones I aim most to achieve to meet as many of you people that I can.

Rock n Roll people !
